100 باحث يرسمون خارطة مستدامة لتربية النحل
اختتمت اليوم فعاليات المؤتمر الدولي الرابع للجمعية العربية لتربية النحل بعنوان “الممارسات الجيدة لإدارة النحل من أجل تربية نحل مستدامة” ،بمشاركة أكثر من 100 باحث من داخل المملكة ومن 15 دولة ناقشوا خلال يومي المؤتمر من 46 ورقة علمية تناولت معظم الممارسات الدولية لتطوير صناعة النحل وتربيته والحلول المبتكرة في العلاج بمنتجات النحل .
وشهدت الجلسة الرابعة مناقشة أربع أوراق عمل تضمنت تحسين النحل المتكيف محليا والجهود المتواصلة على سلالة النحل، والنتائج المتوقعة لمشروع الحفاظ على سلالة نحل العسل المحلي في المملكة ودراسة الارتباط بين مختلف القياسات الشكلية والحيوية وأداء الملكات في تكاثر النخل.
وتناولت الجلسة الخامسة ست أوراق عمل عن جودة وغش العسل ودور هيئة الغذاء والدواء في وضع التشريعات التي تضمن سلامة وجودة العسل.
فيما اشتملت الجلسة السادسة والأخيرة لوقائع المؤتمر الدولي الرابع للجمعية العربية لتربية النحل على تسع أوراق عمل ناقشت التنمية المستدامة لتربية النحل ومنتجات نحل العسل وتطوير المراعي النحلية في منطقة الباحة، ومكونات وجودة غذاء ملكات النحل المنتج في منطقة الباحة.
وفي ختام المؤتمر كرّم رئيس الجمعية العربية لتربية النحل الدكتور أحمد الخازم الفائزين في جائزة الشيخ سالم بن سلطان القاسمي التي تبلغ مجموع جوائزها حوالي 50 ألف ريال وتتكون من ثلاث فئات وهي أفضل بحث علمي وأفضل ابتكار وأفضل الممارسات في مجال تربية النحل.
وحصد جوائز أفضل بحث علمي الدكتور طه عمرو بالمركز الأول والدكتور وليد سليمان في المركز الثاني والدكتورة مروة شعير في المركز الثالث والدكتورة أمينة شاكر في المركز الرابع، فيما منح فايز الميع المركز الثاني لفئة أفضل ابتكار وحجب عنها المركزين الأول والثالث ونال السيد موسى الفهيقي المركز الثالث لفئة أفضل الممارسات في مجال تربية النحل وحجب عنها المركز الأول والثاني لذات الفئة .
100 باحث يرسمون خارطة مستدامة لتربية النحل
اختتمت اليوم فعاليات المؤتمر الدولي الرابع للجمعية العربية لتربية النحل...
AbdulRahman AlQudairy
Professional Background :
2011-present, Manager, CSR at Maaden Aluminium Company.
2010-2011 / Lecturer, Arab Open Uni. Subject : system thinking and complexicity in sustainability.
2010-2011, Manager, performance management at Royal commission for jubail.
2008-2010 Business Development in Community services center at Royal Commission for jubail.
2008 -2010 member in strategy development team in Royal commission for jubail.
Linkedin Profile Link :
CSR Interest & Background :
Serve as the official external liaison of the Company to the Government entities in the Eastern Province in particular and the Kingdom in general. Responsible for evaluating governmental and societal issues that could significantly impact the organization and developing appropriate responses. Establishing sound relationships with key related stakeholders to achieve long term sustainable growth. Developing the programs to prevent or mitigate potential issues which gain alignment and support. Developing CSR business case policy.
Apply “systems thinking” as a response to the rapid changes in technology, population, and economic activity that are transforming the world, and as a way to deal with the ever increasing complexity of today’s business.
AbdulRahman AlQudairy
Professional Background : Experienced Senior Consultant with a demonstrated history...
Ahmed Al Damrawy
Professional Background :
– Well experienced in multilateral and international aid development, including cooperation, coordination among NGOs, government and international funding organizations;
– Program design & advanced program implementation skills in the areas of: women empowerment, youth development, education, poverty alleviation, income generation, human rights, advocacy and raising awareness, democracy and peace education, communications and outreach, cultural orientation and intercultural understanding;
– Experienced in managing government regulations; M&E, financial management, training design and execution;
– Management of grant making processes for supporting vulnerable & needy communities;
– Experienced in building strategic partnerships, literal and multilateral negotiation and agreements;
– Several years experience in resources mobilization and program fund raising skills with documented success of obtaining funds;
– My work has focused also on enhancing the capacities of government and build up institutional capacities of civil society to implement diverse development programs;
– I have designed, managed and implemented developmental projects across Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Bangladesh and UAE in cooperation and partnerships with governments, research institutes, grassroots, civil society organizations, governments and international donors. I speak English, German and of course Arabic.
Ahmed Al Damrawy
Professional Background : – Well experienced in multilateral and international...
Anis Razouk
مستشار تخطيط استراتيجية الجودة والتميز، خبير ادارة مركز اسعاد المتعاملين، (7 STAR)، خبير حوكمة معتمد
Anis Razouk
مستشار تخطيط استراتيجية الجودة والتميز، خبير ادارة مركز اسعاد المتعاملين،...
Borhan Soliman
الدكتور/ برهان سليمان واحد من أفضل الشخصيات المؤثرة في مجال عملة ومن أبرز الاستشاريين في التطوير المؤسسي فهو يؤمن بأن المؤسسات هي أعمدة وبنيان المجتمعات الناجحة حيث تؤثر المؤسسات في جميع نواحي الحياة بشكل مباشر وغير مباشر. نظيراً لذلك فقد عمل د/ برهان سيلمان في تطوير وإعداد وتصميم الخطط الاستراتيجية للقطاع الحكومي بما يتوافق مع متغيرات وأساليب العصر الذي نعيشه بمختلف دول العالم مما أحدث نقلة نوعية لتلك القطاعات وقد تجاوزت إسهاماته منطقة الشرق الأوسط بالتعاون مع منظمات وافراد لديهم نفس الطموح.
Borhan Soliman
الدكتور/ برهان سليمان واحد من أفضل الشخصيات المؤثرة في مجال...
CSR Platform
CSR Platform
منصة المسؤولية المجتمعية للشركات
منصة الكترونية تهتم بمجال التنمية المستدامة والمسؤولية المجتمعية للمؤسسات الحكومية والخاصة
CSR Platform
CSR Platform منصة المسؤولية المجتمعية للشركات منصة الكترونية تهتم بمجال...
Essam Obaid
د. عصام عبيد
أستاذ مشارك بكلية علوم الحاسب والمعلومات
باحث أكاديمي وخبير متخصص في مجال نظم إدارة المعرفة وذكاء الاعمال والارشفة الرقمية لمدة تزيد عن 25 سنة في
المؤسسات الحكومية والقطاع الخيرى والقطاع الخاص.
Essam Obaid
د. عصام عبيد أستاذ مشارك بكلية علوم الحاسب والمعلومات باحث...
Fahad Awad Al Otaibi
* Shopping Malls Committee, Riyadh Chamber of Commerce. (President)
* Middle east council of shopping Centers.
* International Council of shopping Centers ( ICSC).
* Saudi Arabian Society for Culture and Arts.
Fahad Awad Al Otaibi
* Shopping Malls Committee, Riyadh Chamber of Commerce. (President) *...
Huib de Vries
Professional Background :
Senior communications professional with strong focus on corporate responsibility, strategic issues and creative solutions. Very good in analysis of communications risks and opportunities. Highly motivated to represent strong brands in everything I do. Trustworthy spokesperson. Strong personality. High energy.
Specialties: CSR, Sponsoring & Partnerships, Brand Activation, Media Relations, Marketing PR, Automotive PR, Brand Management, Corporate Communications, Reputation Management, Social Media.
IEMA Certified CSR Practitioner
Huib de Vries
Professional Background : Senior communications professional with strong focus on...
Jan Hunt
Jan Hunt , is Executive directs the Economic Law & Policy Programme of the International Institute on Sustainable Development . In this role, she manages IISD’s work on international trade, investment, and finance. On a sectoral level, this work spans across sustainable agriculture, mining, and infrastructure. She also oversees IISD’s function as the Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development and the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development .
Jan Hunt has extensive legal, policy, and training experience in the areas of public and private international law, trade, investment, sustainable development, human rights, international environmental law, and international dispute settlement. She serves as Vice-chair of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Team of Specialists on Environmental, Social and Governance Traceability of Sustainable Value Chains in the Circular Economy.
Jan Hunt
Jan Hunt , is Executive directs the Economic Law &...
Karima Hassan
دكتورة / كريمة حسن
- مستشارة تخطيط وتطوير
- خبير التطوير للمنظمات والمؤسسات
- أخصائي إعداد النماذج المؤسسية
- محاضر علاقات عامة واتصال مؤسسي مدرب متخصص بمجالات علاقات واسعاد المتعاملين استشاري برامج التميز المؤسسي والموارد البشرية
Karima Hassan
دكتورة / كريمة حسن مستشارة تخطيط وتطوير خبير التطوير للمنظمات...
Khaled Adas
Lifelong Learner & Resourceful Big Picture Thinker, confidently champions business objectives through leadership & insightful acumen in culture and economic affairs. 32+ years of accomplishments with multi-national Tech fortune 100 companies. As a Technology Empowerment & Transformation Trusted Advisor, I had responsibilities of collaborating with 100’s of customers, interacting with executives, building credibility, generating multimillion dollars of business growth. Deep expertise in designing & managing the implementation of (18+) national & regional transformative initiatives from ground up for sustainable socio-economic impacting (2+ million) citizens. Competency in Technology Innovation Consultancy, Project Management, Digital Literacy, Sales & Marketing, Corporate Affairs, and leading global cross-functional teams of up to 40
Professional Background :
Khaled Adas is a change agent professional offering 28 years of progressive leadership experience at Fortune-100 companies like Intel Corporation and Microsoft. Khaled is expert in designing and leading innovative large scale thought leadership strategic initiatives for sustainable socio-economic impacts in collaboration with multi-stakeholders like governments, multilaterals, NGO’s, academia and private industry leaders.
Khaled’s passion about innovation and corporate social responsibilities led to the successful implementation of various community outreach development programs enabling 21st century learning in schools, delivering digital literacy programs for under served communities, fostering STEM, Science Technology engineering and Math programs, and building entrepreneurial and innovation skills for youth for job creation that resulted in inspiring over 2 million individuals in the Arab world.
Khaled is a senior consultant known for fostering innovation and is a certified innovation management practitioner with a focus on assessing business capabilities, culture, leadership, and strategy for sustainable profit and growth. He has a Master’s degree in E-learning Technology and Design and Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering from University of Missouri, Columbia, USA.
Khaled is an inspiring public speaker, delivered various social innovation camps for youth to address global and community challenges. He sets in the board of expertise on various associations to promote innovation for economic empowerment and has been honored with many prestigious government recognition awards for his valuable contributions to the community.
CSR Interest & Background :
education, Entrepreneurship , innovation .
Khaled Adas
Lifelong Learner & Resourceful Big Picture Thinker, confidently champions business...
Lama Diab
Professional Background :
I received my Master degree in Economic and Social Development in 2012. I Worked with several NGOs and soon, after my studies, i joined “2GEM” – a sustainability advisory group as a research executive. During this period. I gained experiences in Corporate Social Responsibility. I learnt how to develop a CSR program and how to engage the right stakeholders for a better Social impact.
CSR Interest & Background :
Designing sustainable CSR programs
Lama Diab
Professional Background : I received my Master degree in Economic...
Mohamed Abdel Salam Ibrahim
Professional Background :
CSR and Sustainability Expert
Mohamed Abdel Salam Ibrahim
Professional Background : CSR and Sustainability Expert
Naveed Ahmed
Professional Background :
Holding a master’s degree in energy & environmental management and with over 5 years of experience in the field of renewable energy and hospitality environmental services both in UK and UAE. Naveed has an exposure of Abu Dhabi EHSMS including the development of manuals, implementation of the system and conducting audits. Naveed Ahmed is an accredited Green Globe Auditor, certified ISO 14001 Lead auditor and has completed various environmental, occupational health & safety, waste management training and certifications. His hospitality industry experience makes him the perfect candidate for the upcoming challenges that his role entails. We are confident that with his strategic vision, proactive approach, and management skills he will make a significant contribution to both the future of FARNEK and sustainable practices in the MENA region.
Naveed Ahmed
Professional Background : Holding a master’s degree in energy &...
Rasha Kashkoush
Rasha’s professional experience lies in reputation management, corporate responsibility, and stakeholder relations for organizations in both the private and public sector. She focuses on building good will and a strong reputation for brands and leaders, contributing to the success of business goals.
Rasha Kashkoush
Rasha’s professional experience lies in reputation management, corporate responsibility, and...
Rehab Fouad
Company : Dubai Customs
Department : Community Affairs and Government Partenership Divsion
Rehab Fouad
Company : Dubai Customs Department : Community Affairs and Government...
Shafqat Ullah
Professional Background :
Sustainability Consultant for Environmentally Engineered Sustainability Projects (Sustainable Exhibition, Sustainable Events, Sustainable Retail Interiors, Sustainable Construction projects, Sustainable Project Carbon Footprint Calculations)
Shafqat Ullah
Professional Background : Sustainability Consultant for Environmentally Engineered Sustainability Projects...
Sustainability IT
Advancing Global Sustainability through Technology Leadership
For too long, sustainability has been someone else’s problem to solve. It’s time for technology leaders to take a stand for sustainability, as one. Together we can drive digital transformation programs that unlock the art of the possible.
Sustainability IT
Advancing Global Sustainability through Technology Leadership For too long, sustainability...
Tatiana Antonelli Abella
Professional Background :
Sudied Architecture & urban PLanning in Rome, Italy
CSR certified practitioner by iema
Tatiana founded Goumbook back in 2009.Goumbook is an online information platform that helps source products, services and materials through its unique Green Directory. The aim is to help manufacturers, retailers and consumers to meet and boost the local green economy. Goumbook’s desire is to create a new global community focused on environmental responsibility, uniting environmental experts, organizations, businesses and consumers from the Middle East and North Africa. Goumbook also offers offline services to get individuals and companies engaged in environmental initiatives and CSR practices.
In 2011, Goumbook launched the ‘Give a Ghaf’ Tree Planting Program, a not-for-profit initiative aiming to boost awareness on the local ecosystem, protecting fauna and flora from the dangers or desertification, mass construction, water depletion and extinction.
CSR Interest & Background :
I moved to Dubai in 2005. Having studied Architecture and Urban Planning in Italy, I quickly realized that the local ‘eco environment’ was lagging behind and it made me think on how to help raise awareness among the local community: curb pollution, conserve natural resources and reduce the impact on the environment. My passion for Sustainability led me to co-found Goumbook.com in 2009, creating the first online green information resource and green directory for the MENA Region. My commitment to the Environment blossomed into a sense of duty towards the community and today I try to be actively involved and engaged in the local green arena.
Tatiana Antonelli Abella
Professional Background : Sudied Architecture & urban PLanning in Rome,...